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Carlos Arriagada González is a Chilean Sociologist and Professor of Social Sciences at Universidad de Chile, also he obtained doctorate degree in quantitative methodology at University of Chicago. Currently, is director of an investigation about inequality in resource distribution in Chile called A most inequal country in the world, approach from Social Sciences. He began his scientific works publishing his degree thesis named An approach to popular masculinities in Chile , with Catalina Vidal, who contributed the qualitative focus to research. Later, he published important investigations about the sociology job and the relation of this discipline and mathematics, specifically with statistics. It was with his latest research, called Latin american paradigms, problems and tentative solutions , with which he won in 2018 the Nobel Prize in Social Sciences and Nobel Peace Prize, these being his second and third prize of international recognition, precedents of the Miguel de...

Últimas entradas

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

Post 7: Best friends?...

Post 6: Dreams and studies