My fav subject at university

Hi everybody, how are you? I am fineli, thx.
My favourite subject at university was social psychology, dictated by Rodrigo Asún. This subject was the one I enjoyed the most, the classes was amazing, the construction of concepts, very common but with more sense than one thinks. Altough is my first year at university, I have had around fifteen subjects, some more difficult than others, but of all of them I have rescued the best that I could.
In this subject, social psycology, I rescued concepts like: attitude, social class, social conscience, emotions, social movements, personality, quantitative investigation and qualitative investigation, among others. Also, I learned, subtly, approximate measurement methods to emotions, attitudes, etc. The classes was very common, expositive class, but the way  the teacher had to do it is great, enthusiasm, energy and happines, this did his classes so rewarding and satisfactory.

Anyway, not everything is good, actually I have subjects very very bored.
I hope you like this piece of shit (like me xd), if this like to you, go to the closer doctor, you have serious mental problems, haha bye bye!.


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